Based on the principle of high frequency thermal bonding, the workpiece is heated by a high cycle die to reach the bonding of plastics with plastics, plastics with paper cards, or paper cards with paper cards. The bonded cards are usually coated with a gl
2019/03/08Fuse machine belongs to high frequency equipment. Its frequency is 13.56 MHz, 27.12 MHz and 40.78 MHz, which conforms to the international industrial band standard. High frequency is generated by the self-excited oscillator of the electron tube. In the hi
2018/11/12High cycle wave is a kind of equipment used for hot welding, fusing trimming, concave and convex embossing. The principle of high cycle wave is to use high cycle electromagnetic field to heat weld two parts together or to weld and fuse trimming on a singl
2018/11/12As we all know, China is a big shoe producer. Since the introduction of the most basic shoemaking equipment from abroad, China has developed from traditional manual shoemaking to mechanical shoemaking in an all-round way. With China's rich real estate
2018/11/12Thirty-three years ago, Zhu Jianyong, a 19-year-old woman with more than a dozen fashion shoes designed and manufactured by himself, drove from Wenzhou to Hangzhou by car, then by boat to Suzhou, and finally completed his first 300 pairs of shoes. Thirty
2018/11/12RealName:Mr.jiang Mobile:13509019505
Tel:0769-85827837 Fax:0769-85823895
Address:No. 10 Sangyuan Road, Chenwu Community Houjie town Dongguan Guangdong
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